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Nantai Rock

Time:2019-11-14  Author:  Read:4278

  Nantai Rock got its name for being to the south of Qingyuan Cave, and it is a landmark scenic spot integrating three religions (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism). Within a distance of 1 kilometer, there stand Sanqing Hall (Taoism), Nantai Temple (Buddhism) and Kuixing Pavilion (Confucianism) in line harmoniously, reflecting Quanzhou’s inclusiveness of diversified religions. Standing on the viewing platform, one can have an aerial view of the panorama of Quanzhou City and look far into the sea, an integrated mountain-sea-city scenery. There are over 40 stone inscriptions in this place, showing the features of Quanzhou in different times.

Introduction to scenic area

A brief introduction of tourist area

All rights reserved. Fujian Qingyuan Mountain Tourism Investment Co., Ltd  

Address: East side of Qingyuan Mountain Tourist Center, Fengze District, Quanzhou City

TEL:0595-22777675 FAX:0595-22768138  闽ICP备18014938号-2